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5 myths about project management in construction

As a child, almost everyone loved fairy tales and myths. We wanted to believe that everything would be fine in the end, and everyone would be happy. Sometimes, even now, on real projects, contractors tell fairy tales to the customer in a variety of colorful colors. Although the customer has doubts, but like a child he wants to believe in a happy ending to the project. In 90% of cases or more, these fairy tales end with a failure of deadlines, an increase in the budget or poor quality of work. And these three whales of the project: deadline, budget and quality are drowning in lies. At the same time, in all cases it is possible to save only one whale, a maximum of two. The third is doomed.
To protect yourself from contractors-storytellers and other characters, an independent professional company specializing in the management of construction projects can provide real help to the customer.
Project management is a complex discipline consisting of several sections and requiring an integrated approach. In this connection, we want to tell you about 5 myths about project management in construction.
Myth #1: Project management in construction is the breeding of bureaucracy.
You can often hear such an expression, especially from the older generation of builders: "project management was invented by Western companies, they breed unnecessary bureaucracy. We don't argue, but the most important word in this sentence is "was". It does not matter what the department is called, it is important how it manages projects and whether it copes with it. Project management is not a bureaucracy. Now is the time for rapid change and change. New challenges will appear every day. Project managers don't just execute plans and distribute tasks — they react quickly to changes, introduce new rules of the game for all participants, create teams that thrive thanks to innovation and dedication to their goals. With the right project management tools and standards, you can make your project a success.
Myth #2: The project manager does everything and is responsible for everything.
We are often called and asked to provide one expert project manager to help deal with their problem in a construction project. Colleagues, there is no orchestra person! It is important for organizations to understand that a good project manager can be expected to be an expert only in some work related to the project (for example, in the field of engineering networks or design). It is a common misconception that the project manager does everything and is responsible for everything. It is often assumed that the project manager is responsible for every aspect of the project — from proposal writing and stakeholder management to actual implementation. This is a myth! Let's look at why.
If you have a contract with a project management company, then yes, you can say that the project management company does everything and is responsible for everything, since the company has all the necessary specialists in the team. And when you hire one person as a project manager and require him to achieve project performance, this will be a "do or die" strategy, and therefore burnout occurs at work. One person is not a warrior, only an army can win a complex war.
In addition, do not forget that all project participants are responsible for the result, and shifting the burden to the head is an attempt to avoid it.
Myth 3. The customer always knows what he wants.
There are cases when the customer has a general idea or an approximate expected end result, but is unable to write a competent technical task for various reasons. One of the reasons is that the working group on the part of the customer, as a rule, is formed from among the specialists of different departments. Often their interests conflict with each other, and sometimes they are completely opposite. If you do not take into account the conflict of interests, then you can get a result at the output that will not satisfy all interested parties and will cause a wave of discontent when the terms of reference are already at the implementation stage.
But a competent technical task is already 50% of success. There are often situations when the customer imagines the expected result, but does not know by what means it can be achieved. And sometimes, on the contrary, the final goal is poorly formulated and the customer cannot answer a simple question, why does he need the functionality and what tasks it should solve.
The task of the project manager is to help the customer and his team, in cooperation with the working group, to draw up the technical specification of the project, taking into account all the wishes and requirements of the customer. At this stage, the communication skills and EQ of the project manager are revealed as much as possible.

Myth #4: Project management software is all you need.
There are many people using the newest gadgets, but few of them use all the available functions of this gadget. Someone does not know or does not remember how to use them, and someone did not need them initially. The same thing happens with software. Therefore, when you decide to integrate the software, you should explore all its features and resources to assess how much work you can automate with it.
In the age of digitalization, it is a sin not to enjoy the benefits of new technologies. Project management software is a great tool for project management, but it is not a panacea for all ills. You can't digitize the chaos, otherwise there will be "garbage in garbage out". We need structuring, standardization of construction processes, only after that to digitize management. If you rely too much on your project management software and don't pay attention to other important aspects of project management standardization, you will be left with some obvious gaps in your process that may cost you time and money in the future.
Myth 5. The project plan approved by the management is unchangeable.
Have you heard that the project plan becomes irrelevant immediately after being drawn up? The construction sector is one of the most contract–intensive sectors of the economy of any country. In general, any mention of contractors always first causes an association with construction sites and the relations of participants in the construction process, rather than with some other. Contract relations are possible risks of the project at any stage of the project, which means that changes to the project will follow. Also, do not think that all changes and delays are related only to the performer. Very often, deadlines can be disrupted due to long-term coordination and slow decision-making, all of which entails changes to the project plan.
No manager wants to go to the carpet to the management with bad news about the failure of the approved plan. Therefore, they hide these changes from management in the hope of correcting the situation on their own, but practice shows that the project reaches the point of no return and the truth is revealed in any case. The one who deceives, considers himself smarter than others. But in practice, lies are always revealed. Therefore, it is necessary to notify about the upcoming changes in the project as early as possible, and not to put the management or the customer in front of the fact when everything has already happened and the opportunity to fix something has been missed or entail more expenses.
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