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What might the construction industry look like in 30 years?

What might the construction industry look like in 30 years?
The Technology Committee of the Construction Industry Institute has developed the “Technological Path to the Future” initiative to inspire technological changes in the capital construction projects industry, and has created the TC-04 Research Group (RT-TC-04).
The team focused on innovations in construction that can increase productivity by 2050.
TTC04 conducted a trial run of the CIO Challenge Teams program using five teams. Each team focused on a unique task in the capital construction projects industry, developed their own vision of the future and contributed to the creation of a total of 78 slides of material for brainstorming.
Combining these ideas of five teams paints a really bold and exciting picture of what our industry may look like in 30 years! Below in the picture is a description of some changes in 2050.
Today we are ready for technological innovations and digitalization of the construction project in Kazakhstan.
The ETHOS Software Package: "Construction Management" is an information system that allows you to plan, monitor and analyze and predict the results of a construction project in Kazakhstan.
ETHOS: "Construction Management" has a regulatory construction base of Kazakhstan for quality control of construction and installation works. The PC has a dozen modules for construction project management, which can be selected for each project individually and promptly.
The ETHOS software package is designed to automate the activities of all key participants in the construction market: developers, technical customers, and construction contractors. By means of the ETHOS, it is possible to achieve design indicators using the construction project management module, technical supervision, as well as financial and technical control. More information about the software package:
Source / (FR-TC-04, section 5.2, Vision Board Challenges Teams; Figure 11).

Saniya Ayambekova
Advanced Controls & Project Management
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