Firstly, in connection with obtaining the authority to accept work or not from a construction contractor, many unscrupulous technical supervision engineers "sell their signature". There are two sides to the coin, such technical supervisors are usually known in the market, and such fame usually goes ahead of a person. Unfortunately, technical supervisors of such stripes are not good experts in their field and do not understand all the responsibility for the signatures they put for poor-quality work, administrative and criminal liability has not been canceled.
Secondly, due to distrust of such technical supervision, many customers are forced to create their own quality control department. This is certainly costly for the customer, but if you look from the point of view of total cost of quality, these costs are justified. As a result, with a well-established quality control department, technical supervision services are already becoming nominal, and the colleagues we talked about in the first paragraph on such projects will not be able to earn money by selling their signatures.
In any case, the requirements for technical supervision specialists and quality control engineers are different, not to mention responsibility. Eg:
- For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of duties or carrying out their activities in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for violations and their consequences, persons exercising technical supervision bear disciplinary, administrative and criminal responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan, and quality control engineers are usually responsible only according to their employment contract, and in practice they can be dismissed at most.
- Upon completion of the work, the technical supervision engineer, together with the general contractor, are responsible for compliance of the finished object with construction legislation, design and regulatory documentation, and after completion of the work for many years they may be brought to administrative and criminal liability by court decision in case of detection of a violation after the fact. The quality control engineer, after commissioning the facility, is no longer obliged to anyone.
- Technical supervision is an accredited type of activity in Kazakhstan. Both technical supervision engineers themselves and companies providing such services are accredited.
Table 1 Accreditation of technical supervision experts and organizations
Technical supervision is carried out by the customer independently and (or) with the involvement of experts who have the appropriate certificate for the right to provide engineering services in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities at the expense of funds provided for in the design and estimate documentation for the construction of facilities in accordance with applicable regulations.
Table.2 Persons providing technical supervision of buildings and structures by levels of responsibility.
In their activities, technical supervision specialists are guided by state/interstate regulatory documents in the field of construction, such as laws on architectural, urban planning and construction activities, technical regulations, as well as regulatory documents on fire, sanitary-epidemiological, environmental safety of facilities. More about all the milestones of Kazakhstan's state licensing procedures and the areas of responsibility of each interested party of the construction investment project such as the customer, the general contractor of the SMR, the general designer, technical and author's supervision, etc. can be found here "Fundamentals of construction project management according to the regulatory framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of construction".