We are launching a Construction Project Cost Management training for market professionals, this is an excellent training based on the experience of experts with local and international experience and on the basis of American project management schools such as Construction Extension to the PMBoK Guide, PMI, as well as CII - Construction Industry Institute, etc.
For whom it is interesting
For whom it is interesting:
Financial Managers of Construction and Development Companies
Cost Control Managers
Construction Managers
Construction Project Management Manager
Engineers Cost Estimators
Professional in Construction Project Management
To the Chief Engineers of the Project
Production and Technical Department Engineers
What will you learn
What will you learn:
What types of international project management methodologies are suitable for the construction sector;
How to plan the cost of a construction project;
How to estimate the cost of a construction project and achieve the necessary accuracy of the assessment;
How not to overpay for expenses included in the regulations;
The composition and structure of the estimated cost of construction, what to pay attention to;
How to control and predict the final cost of a construction project;
What is BoQ and what is the difference with the estimate that Value Engineering gives for the project;
How does the cost and accuracy of its assessment change during the project execution;
How to develop a decision-making tool - the economic model of the project;
How to calculate by the method of the mastered volume Earned Value Management;
How to estimate the cost and impact of risks on the project;
The training is accompanied by an analysis of real cases and practical situations of international and Kazakhstan construction projects.
After completing this training, you will not only be able to determine the target project cost at any stage of the project, but also manage its change to achieve the planned values of the construction project.
Course program
Course program
Format: Offline/Online 1. The course is designed for a month. Each week only needs 2-3 hours of your time. 2. Every week we meet online by video and provide the training materials and accordingly answer your questions. 3. By the end of each week you receive homework for each Section. Training Sections: · Section 1 Introduction to Cost Management. The first week. · Section 2 Estimation Of Construction Project Costs. The second week. · Section 3 Development Of The Construction Project Budget. The third week. · Section 4 Cost Control Of The Construction Project. The fourth week. 4. At the end of the fourth week there will be 1 day offline meeting in Almaty: 4.1. We will conduct an amazing Interactive Learning Quiz on project management. 4.2. There will be a meeting with experts where you can ask your questions about current projects. 4.3. There will be a gift from the organizers of the course to everyone who will be at the meeting in Almaty.
What will you get at the end of the course
What will you get at the end of the course:
By the course you will receive ready-made calculation models in MS Excel, which you can use to monitor and forecast your current and future projects:
Calculation tool. Calculation of the estimate of the construction project;
Analysis tool. Calculation to identify the economic efficiency of a construction project;
Analysis tool. Modeling of the probable cost of a construction project by the Monte Carlo method;
Forecast tool. The model for calculating the construction project: Planned volume - Mastered cost - Actual cost.